If I could guarantee you a 100% success rate on something, would you be willing to do it? Let's say I could promise it was biblical, moral and had huge benefits in addition to the 100% success rate with what you would be doing. If this happened, many people would be willing to sign up without knowing many of the details. In fact, in our current economy, people are choosing to take risks with much greater odds. And yet, this guarantee is exactly the promise God gives to us regarding His word. In Isaiah 55:11, the Lord says, "[My word] will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." This is a promise from the Lord that His words will do exactly what He has planned for them to do all of the time. Because of this great promise, we can rest assured that whenever we are sharing Scripture, we are successful. No matter how inadequate or insecure you feel speaking up with a passage or verse and no matter how other people may respond, any time that we are believers are able to utter truths from God's Word, we are guaranteed that those words will accomplish exactly what the Lord intends to be done. Many times I can be deceived and feel like my presentation of the Gospel will affect how a person will respond. I can become consumed with trying to say the right thing or think of the perfect verse to fit the situation. However, God has already done the work to prepare the way for His word to be heard, received and understood. It it just our job to speak it out in a world that needs desperately to hear it! This week, my focus is to speak Scripture freely and often to those around me and entrust God to accomplish His work.
Equipping leaders to share Christ & mobilize believers through resources, training & partnerships www.jayemartin.com.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Lift Up Jesus
"And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” John 12: 32, ESV)
"For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice" (John 18:37b, ESV).
It is so easy to get sidetracked with good and even great things. Easy to forget why we are here, easy to be overwhelmed with a huge to-do list, easy to forget the main thing - Jesus Christ and the incredible, incomprehensible sacrifice that He made for us in His life and in His death.
This week, I am going to concentrate on lifting up Christ. I'm going to try to keep from complaining about doing my dissertation, keep from being overwhelmed about the economy and how it is messing up our lives, keep from being discouraged that our house is still in the never-ending remodeling state, and keep from complaining that I am gone 3 weeks in April, keep from complaining...(okay I am stopping here).
I'm going to lift up Christ. I'm going to try to focus on the fact that I have ONE MAIN PURPOSE: to witness about Christ in my words, how I treat people, and how I live that out every minute of every day. If I'm quiet this week, you will know why. I am choosing to reflect on that fact this He is Risen and that I need to start living like it!
Will you join me?
"Trust no one, not even the finest saint who ever walked this earth, ignore him, if he hinders your sight of Jesus Christ." Oswald Chambers
Saturday, March 27, 2010
An Unexpected Phone Call
I got a phone call the other day from a friend. We've been friends going on six years, met in hiking class in Louisville during the winter/spring term. Since that time the Lord has afforded me the privilege of sharing the Gospel with her on an ongoing basis. I'll never forget the first time we played tennis, which I don't know how to play well by any stretch of the imagination. Over tennis I got to share about the grace of our Lord Jesus demonstrated through the Gospel. To say that my friend was closed might be the understatement of the year. If my memory serves me, at the time she was a professing atheist. If I'm being honest I knew full well that God could save her, believed as much, but I didn't know if she would ever really be a willing candidate for that offer of salvation. I kept praying, and I kept sharing though, confident that Jesus could exceed my wildest expectations. And of course if you know the Lord you can already guess that that is just what He did!
The other day when my phone rang it was Liz. She was thrilled about a job offer, which of course I am thrilled about too. Nothing, however, could have conjured up the exultation in Christ I experienced when I asked her this... Let me preface by saying I've known this sweet one so long. She knows well that I love her. We are friends. So when I asked: "Are you a Christian yet?" It was nothing. I've done it a thousand times...I couldn't talk long...short conversation...so I got straight to the point. Usually she mutters more questions, doubts, but something has been happening over the last couple of conversations...span of months apart. Liz went from atheist to skeptic to Bible study attendee to telling me the other night, "Yes, I am a Christian." Can you believe that?! How amazing is our God. If you've been sharing with someone a long time, I encourage you not to grow weary.... Who knows, you might just be a conversation from the moment God saves their soul.
The other day when my phone rang it was Liz. She was thrilled about a job offer, which of course I am thrilled about too. Nothing, however, could have conjured up the exultation in Christ I experienced when I asked her this... Let me preface by saying I've known this sweet one so long. She knows well that I love her. We are friends. So when I asked: "Are you a Christian yet?" It was nothing. I've done it a thousand times...I couldn't talk long...short conversation...so I got straight to the point. Usually she mutters more questions, doubts, but something has been happening over the last couple of conversations...span of months apart. Liz went from atheist to skeptic to Bible study attendee to telling me the other night, "Yes, I am a Christian." Can you believe that?! How amazing is our God. If you've been sharing with someone a long time, I encourage you not to grow weary.... Who knows, you might just be a conversation from the moment God saves their soul.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Everyone Needs HOPE!
"There's more to come: We continue to shout our praise even when we're hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next. In alert expectancy such as this, we're never left feeling shortchanged. Quite the contrary—we can't round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit!"
Romans 5:3-5 (msg)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jer.29:11-13 (NIV)
Romans 5:6-8 (ESV) "For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die— but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."!!
As God's witnesses, as the constant changing circumstances around us are often very difficult, we have a great opportunity to share the ONE truth that NEVER CHANGES=JESUS! Right now in our communities as we look around us there is such a huge opportunity to share JESUS because of all of the uncertainty and questions about the future that are in The United States of America and the WORLD! Just like it is written in Romans 5:6 "for while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly..." Our world is full of people that are searching searching searching for someone & something that they can put their trust in that will not let them down or change! We have THE ANSWER to every one's needs and His name is JESUS!! JESUS is who equips us and calls us as His Gifted2Go witness♥
WOW, like me, do you remember what it was like to be lost (without hope)? Lost people look and live like lost people! Romans 5: 6-8 compels my thoughts right back to the time in my life that I was LOST and how desperately I was searching for Peace and Purpose "weak and ungodly" and NEEDING JESUS~PEACE WITH GOD & HOPE for my future...how many people around us right now are needing HOPE & PEACE? Would you join me and make a "who needs Jesus" prayer list?
As followers of Christ, our hope is in Christ Alone, not in this world! The more difficult times grow around the world, the greater opportunity we have to share JESUS!
Today is a great opportunity to share your personal testimony with someone today that needs Jesus. Here are 3 simple steps in sharing your testimony:
- Share what your life was like before you gave your life to Jesus Christ:
- Share how your heard about Jesus and the day you believed and surrendered your life to Him:
- Share about how your life has grown and changed because of Jesus. Who are some of the people that you have been able to share your testimony with? You are His witness as you share your testimony with others!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sKcw9_PQYA (The Wonderful Cross!)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y83-vMeWc9E (You Never Let Go!)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMSd7XQE5yk (My Hope!)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Girls Gone Wise
"Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16, ESV
Mary Kassian has done it again. She has written a must-read for every woman. Girls Gone Wise will be on the bookshelves in April. Thank God for Moody Publishers who heard the message and sought to get it out. Mary Kassian has skillfully articulated the truth of God by comparing the Words of Widsom from the Lord with the popular, un-wise and wild words from the culture. Every woman needs this book, every family needs to hear its message, and every pastor needs to enlist women to teach it to their women and girls.
We at Southern Seminary, will host Mary Kassian this fall to share these important truths. You need to be there. The message must be told. It will be an incredible weekend of truth as Mary shares from the passion in her heart along with Heather Payne, formerly with Point of Grace, who will lead us in worship. What a winning combination! As you know, Heather led many Girls of Grace events and is an awesome worship leader and soloist.
For now, pray. Pray for Mary and for Heather. Pray for the gospel of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed and that many will make lasting commitments. We have this moment and we are going to take it!
Girls Gone Wise
Mary Kassian has done it again. She has written a must-read for every woman. Girls Gone Wise will be on the bookshelves in April. Thank God for Moody Publishers who heard the message and sought to get it out. Mary Kassian has skillfully articulated the truth of God by comparing the Words of Widsom from the Lord with the popular, un-wise and wild words from the culture. Every woman needs this book, every family needs to hear its message, and every pastor needs to enlist women to teach it to their women and girls.
We at Southern Seminary, will host Mary Kassian this fall to share these important truths. You need to be there. The message must be told. It will be an incredible weekend of truth as Mary shares from the passion in her heart along with Heather Payne, formerly with Point of Grace, who will lead us in worship. What a winning combination! As you know, Heather led many Girls of Grace events and is an awesome worship leader and soloist.
For now, pray. Pray for Mary and for Heather. Pray for the gospel of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed and that many will make lasting commitments. We have this moment and we are going to take it!
Girls Gone Wise
Mary Kassian and Heather Payne
Friday, November 19 and Saturday, November 20
$4o per person (includes lunch on Saturday)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
"The Power of the Cross"
"For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." (2 Corinthians 5:21)
It's a quiet Saturday at the Gibson family house. It's been a good day in the midst of a bit of sickness. We've all been under the weather this week. Well, today as I thought about what I might share with you, the thing that came to mind was the simplicity of the Gospel. I love thinking about the goodness of Jesus to this world full of sinners. Our lives, our marriages, our families and our ministries, whatever they look like, should all have as the firm foundation the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I hope this song from Keith and Kristyn Getty will uplift your soul this Saturday. May you worship and remember Jesus finished work in preparation to minister to women next week Lord willing and to worship with the congregation when the morning comes.
It's a quiet Saturday at the Gibson family house. It's been a good day in the midst of a bit of sickness. We've all been under the weather this week. Well, today as I thought about what I might share with you, the thing that came to mind was the simplicity of the Gospel. I love thinking about the goodness of Jesus to this world full of sinners. Our lives, our marriages, our families and our ministries, whatever they look like, should all have as the firm foundation the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I hope this song from Keith and Kristyn Getty will uplift your soul this Saturday. May you worship and remember Jesus finished work in preparation to minister to women next week Lord willing and to worship with the congregation when the morning comes.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Run Loose and Free!
"But let me run loose and free, celebrating God's great work, every bone in my body laughing, singing, 'God, there's no one like you.'" Psalm 35:9-10, The Message
Years ago, I began the long process of working on a doctorate. I love learning and applying concepts, especially in the area of evangelistic leadership. It has certainly taken me to a new level as I was challenged by the brilliance of the scholars and those with whom I sat in class. There is nothing like being with people who challenge you to be more than you ever dreamed to be.
While God is always with me helping me to prepare and to speak, He has especially been with me during this whole process of study. I have spent hours on my face praying to God to do a paper through me and many more hours waiting for my grade and just praying that I would pass. More tears and on-my-face-time came when that "A" arrived and I rejoiced that God had truly written the paper and somehow had mercy on me!
For the next two weeks, I am once again totally dependent on the Lord and out of my element as I try to complete a major chunk of my dissertation. I am completely pulling back from everything so that I can focus on this daunting task and I desperately need your prayers! I know myself well and I do know how to bail (and I do it well)! My self-worth is not in whether I am ever called doctor or not.
However, I do long to "run loose and free" and "celebrate God's great work" with "every bone in my body laughing, singing, 'God, there's no one like you!'" Please pray for me (and for Dana as he listens to the moaning and the tears) that...
Years ago, I began the long process of working on a doctorate. I love learning and applying concepts, especially in the area of evangelistic leadership. It has certainly taken me to a new level as I was challenged by the brilliance of the scholars and those with whom I sat in class. There is nothing like being with people who challenge you to be more than you ever dreamed to be.
While God is always with me helping me to prepare and to speak, He has especially been with me during this whole process of study. I have spent hours on my face praying to God to do a paper through me and many more hours waiting for my grade and just praying that I would pass. More tears and on-my-face-time came when that "A" arrived and I rejoiced that God had truly written the paper and somehow had mercy on me!
For the next two weeks, I am once again totally dependent on the Lord and out of my element as I try to complete a major chunk of my dissertation. I am completely pulling back from everything so that I can focus on this daunting task and I desperately need your prayers! I know myself well and I do know how to bail (and I do it well)! My self-worth is not in whether I am ever called doctor or not.
However, I do long to "run loose and free" and "celebrate God's great work" with "every bone in my body laughing, singing, 'God, there's no one like you!'" Please pray for me (and for Dana as he listens to the moaning and the tears) that...
- I will be able to concentrate and focus
- My writings will be accepted by the scholars who review it
- I will be given mercy (that would be a miracle)
- God will protect my time from all those who think they need to talk to me
- God will take care of the hundreds of other things that are being put on hold (including the master suite remodeling that is still not even close to being completed)
I pray that you may "run loose and free" and "celebrate God's great work" with whatever He has you doing today! Thank you for your prayers! You are loved!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Prime Time
"Continue steadfastly in prayer being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison-that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak. Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person." (Colossians 4:2-6)
If your neck of the woods is anything like mine winters are cold and often ladled with snowy days. People pretty much go into hibernation. I've seen my neighbors mostly from afar, with exception of those I am in ongoing relationship with. The warmer days have just started to grace us with their presence. Spring is in the air. Like Kelli, I too love the forthcoming of a new season. It brings such opportunity, especially for recommitting to share Jesus with our neighbors. The sun beckons people out it seems, to grill, to walk, to play, to bike ride, which means that the chances of building friendships and deepening existing friendships increases.
As leaders of women we can easily fall into the trap of teaching women what they ought to do according to God's Word instead of actually doing it with regularity ourselves. Let's take the dawn of this new season to position ourselves in our neighborhoods and communities to share Jesus Christ. Let's be a real life example of what it means to go about proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, so that when we instruct others to do the same we can do so authentically.
I am convinced that intentionality is an indespenisble quality every leader needs to possess. I think Jesus perfectly conveyed this characteristic in how He lived life, in His relationship with the Father, in choosing and training His disciples, in rebuking and correcting religious leaders, in healing and saving the sick & hurting, and so forth. Let's apply the focus, passion, and love Jesus possessed for the Father and for people to our everyday lives and make the best use of the time.
If your neck of the woods is anything like mine winters are cold and often ladled with snowy days. People pretty much go into hibernation. I've seen my neighbors mostly from afar, with exception of those I am in ongoing relationship with. The warmer days have just started to grace us with their presence. Spring is in the air. Like Kelli, I too love the forthcoming of a new season. It brings such opportunity, especially for recommitting to share Jesus with our neighbors. The sun beckons people out it seems, to grill, to walk, to play, to bike ride, which means that the chances of building friendships and deepening existing friendships increases.
As leaders of women we can easily fall into the trap of teaching women what they ought to do according to God's Word instead of actually doing it with regularity ourselves. Let's take the dawn of this new season to position ourselves in our neighborhoods and communities to share Jesus Christ. Let's be a real life example of what it means to go about proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, so that when we instruct others to do the same we can do so authentically.
I am convinced that intentionality is an indespenisble quality every leader needs to possess. I think Jesus perfectly conveyed this characteristic in how He lived life, in His relationship with the Father, in choosing and training His disciples, in rebuking and correcting religious leaders, in healing and saving the sick & hurting, and so forth. Let's apply the focus, passion, and love Jesus possessed for the Father and for people to our everyday lives and make the best use of the time.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
hail gladdening light
"Then God said, 'Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night. They will serve as signs for festivals and for days and years. They will be lights in the expanse of the sky to provide light on the earth.' And it was so" (Genesis 1:14-15, HCSB).
As I read the first chapter of Genesis, the description of how God created lights to mark times for festivals as we approach spring stands out to me. Yesterday, I felt flooded in awe by the gorgeous weather that came to Louisville! It surprised me, since it has mostly been cold throughout the past couple of months. The sunny weather invited me to play all day outside. Praise God that He has made such an earth that He still cares for today!
Why did He create such seasons? In verses 29-30 of Genesis 1, the text describes how what is on earth is meant to feed us. If we keep note of the changing seasons, we can be able to foretell when foods are ready to be cultivated and when they are ready for harvest. I think that our wise Creator wants us to see these things.
I pray that as we watch the season change into spring, we are reminded of the unmatchable beauty of our Divine Savior. Praise the Lord that His character is dependable like the morning light. He loves us beyond compare, and He grants us grace when we ask, no matter how we have faltered. He brings genuine, lasting beauty to our lives as He leads.
"Hail Gladdening Light" song clip by David Crowder Band on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueUN_hJMKCg
Photo from cianellistudios.com
As I read the first chapter of Genesis, the description of how God created lights to mark times for festivals as we approach spring stands out to me. Yesterday, I felt flooded in awe by the gorgeous weather that came to Louisville! It surprised me, since it has mostly been cold throughout the past couple of months. The sunny weather invited me to play all day outside. Praise God that He has made such an earth that He still cares for today!
Why did He create such seasons? In verses 29-30 of Genesis 1, the text describes how what is on earth is meant to feed us. If we keep note of the changing seasons, we can be able to foretell when foods are ready to be cultivated and when they are ready for harvest. I think that our wise Creator wants us to see these things.
I pray that as we watch the season change into spring, we are reminded of the unmatchable beauty of our Divine Savior. Praise the Lord that His character is dependable like the morning light. He loves us beyond compare, and He grants us grace when we ask, no matter how we have faltered. He brings genuine, lasting beauty to our lives as He leads.
"Hail Gladdening Light" song clip by David Crowder Band on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueUN_hJMKCg
Photo from cianellistudios.com
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Titus 2 Time!
One of the exciting areas of the Gifted2Go ministry is in the area of having a dynamic evangelistic resource that will be able to be used in equipping and encouraging the lives of the younger generation of young women/girls! Girls Ministries are growing world wide from some of the wonderful promises God gave women that are written in Titus 2:3-5.
How can the younger generations know the Gifted2Go calling on their lives unless the older generations teach & equip them? Just yesterday God impacted my life in a fresh deeper way how Titus 2:3-5 is vital for past, present, and future generations! As I was visiting with a precious mother of a teenager, she poured her heart out to me about a TRAGIC situation her and her husband are walking through concerning their 16 year old teenage daughter. This mother is crying out for prayer and God's intervention for her daughter, Ivey, as I share this with you for your PRAYERS! Here are the brief details for your prayer time for Ivey and her family: Ivey has been MISSING for 3 weeks. She ran away from home after getting led astray by the enemy and people that do not have her best interest in mind. How did this happen? This precious mother shared with me that she believes her daughter got caught up in the movement right now with a certain "movie, books, clothing, etc." surrounding darkness and vampires. This has been a influence that has led Ivey onto a wide road away from her loving parents. It was an older woman that helped Ivey's mother realize the negative influences that were leading Ivey astray into darkness and rebellion.
As a young 16 year old running girl, Ivey may be in danger, but AS WE PRAY~With God All Things Are Possible~He Is Able To Rescue & Cause Ivey To "Come to her Senses & RETURN Home!" God has wonderful special plans for Ivey, but she needs to turn to God and away from the wide road she is on right now. This is a Call to Prayer from all of us as we also pray that Ivey is hurt or injured as she is running and missing!
As I read the "MISSING" flyer's that are posted all over our area, God whispered into my heart many things, one of the precepts He impacted my heart with was the vital importance of Titus 2:3-5 and the strategic impact God just begun through Jaye sharing Gifted2Go with Girls Ministry Leaders across our Nation! (article posted at the top of this post)
More than ever before God is calling older women to reach out to younger women as we share Jesus and disciple them! No matter where we are in life, God is calling us to reach out to the upcoming generations of young women with our Gifted2Go Titus 2:3-5 truth that is part of our privileged calling as older women! It's Titus 2 Time to get Gifted2Go Going For God!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhOJW4Uwy3c (Does Anybody Hear Her? Casting Crowns)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdq9Q8wJdjc (Lead Me To The Cross! Hillsong)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Listen up!
My best friend and I have been meeting weekly for accounatbility for the past nine years. Now we have had some weeks or even months where we have not been able to get together, but overall for the past nine years we have been pretty faithful to meet to catch up on what God is doing in our lives. Recently, both our husbands were gone for the night so she ended up just coming over to spend the night with me. We stayed up way too late talking just like back in high school...except that we still had to get up at 5:30am to get ready for our jobs! However, as we were sharing that night, we joked around about how neat it is that still after nine years of weekly meetings we are still able to talk for ten straight hours without running out of things to say! This is something I so value in this friend!!
However, the next morning as I was entering into my quiet time with the Lord, I began to wonder if the Lord might feel the same way about me. As I look back on the past eighteen years of my life that I have been a believer, I wonder if the Lord might feel like everytime we "get together" I am always talking and never running out of things to say. I stopped that morning to quiet my heart before the Lord and chose to just rest, allowing His presence to be enough for me. No words, no speech, no language. Just a child of God resting in the arms of her loving Creator. In Ecclesiastes 5:1, Solomon writes "Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know what they do wrong. Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few."
Scripture does speak to the value of bringing our burdens before the Lord, casting our requests at His throne, singing praises and telling those what He has done. Yet it can be so easy to get caught up in speaking all the time that we forget to go near to God just to listen. No other agenda or purpose or reason except to listen to what God might speak to our hearts. Today, let us choose to stop and simply breathe in who God is as we listen to what He desires to say to us!
Monday, March 8, 2010
i press on
"Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you" (Philippians 4:12-15, ESV)
i press on. Not because i want to. Not because i can. Not because it is the right thing to do. Not because someone will notice. Not because i will be recognized for pressing on. i press on because of Christ Jesus. i press on because i am compelled to press on.
Watching the Academy Awards made me think about how hard these actors and actresses worked to get recognition for their art. That's not why i press on. i press on because there is a lost and dying world out there. i press on because there are broken people everywhere. i press on because, through Christ, God has called me to press on. i press on to somehow, make a difference...because of Christ.
From the bottom of my heart, i pray that we are pressing on because of Jesus...not because we are looking for recognition. i pray that our motives are pure. Frankly, i'm tired of some trying to "get somewhere" or "be someone" using Jesus name for the wrong reasons. There is a hurting world out there. Let's get to it.
You are gifted2go.
i press on. Not because i want to. Not because i can. Not because it is the right thing to do. Not because someone will notice. Not because i will be recognized for pressing on. i press on because of Christ Jesus. i press on because i am compelled to press on.
Watching the Academy Awards made me think about how hard these actors and actresses worked to get recognition for their art. That's not why i press on. i press on because there is a lost and dying world out there. i press on because there are broken people everywhere. i press on because, through Christ, God has called me to press on. i press on to somehow, make a difference...because of Christ.
From the bottom of my heart, i pray that we are pressing on because of Jesus...not because we are looking for recognition. i pray that our motives are pure. Frankly, i'm tired of some trying to "get somewhere" or "be someone" using Jesus name for the wrong reasons. There is a hurting world out there. Let's get to it.
You are gifted2go.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
"GRACE, grace, God's grace. Grace that can pardon and cleanse within. Grace, Grace, God's grace. Grace that is greater than all our sins." Do you remember that old hymn? The tune isn't modern. The words are not complex. The simple truth therein though still satisfies sinful souls. Without God's grace in Christ Jesus, everyone who has ever walked the face of the earth is lost. We can never place too high a premium on grace. It is priceless, timeless, and God's to give. "For of His fullness we have all received grace upon grace." (John 1:16)
I know you don't want to think about this, but how have you blown it this week?! Let's consider it and repent and get on with it! I just left a prayer time with a few women in our church. We spent some time confessing our sin. As we prayed it occurred to me as much as I am aware of my sins, how many other sins am I not aware of that God's grace just covers. As the Psalmist prays, "Who can discern his errors? Acquit me of hidden faults." Psalm 19:12. When we consider our utter lack in light of God's utter perfection it is shocking. The thing is, we probably don't know the half of our sins. Yet God uses and chooses wretches to love Christ and believe the Gospel and He transforms them into women useful to the Kingdom of God. If that doesn't encourage you this Saturday I imagine nothing will.
If you haven't thought about it lately, let's now be reminded that we are one unlikely candidate for the grace of God, much less were we worthy to do the work of God. Yet by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, in the Gospel that preaches His death and resurrection, we are made new. We can be useful and equipped to do ministry. Be warned, we can never move out from under the shelter that is His grace. Everything we do must be undergirded by the truth of the Gospel that there is NOTHING we can do which saves us. And there is NOTHING we can do, apart from the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit, to accomplish good work for the Kingdom of God. We are ever dependent on His GRACE!
I know you don't want to think about this, but how have you blown it this week?! Let's consider it and repent and get on with it! I just left a prayer time with a few women in our church. We spent some time confessing our sin. As we prayed it occurred to me as much as I am aware of my sins, how many other sins am I not aware of that God's grace just covers. As the Psalmist prays, "Who can discern his errors? Acquit me of hidden faults." Psalm 19:12. When we consider our utter lack in light of God's utter perfection it is shocking. The thing is, we probably don't know the half of our sins. Yet God uses and chooses wretches to love Christ and believe the Gospel and He transforms them into women useful to the Kingdom of God. If that doesn't encourage you this Saturday I imagine nothing will.
If you haven't thought about it lately, let's now be reminded that we are one unlikely candidate for the grace of God, much less were we worthy to do the work of God. Yet by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, in the Gospel that preaches His death and resurrection, we are made new. We can be useful and equipped to do ministry. Be warned, we can never move out from under the shelter that is His grace. Everything we do must be undergirded by the truth of the Gospel that there is NOTHING we can do which saves us. And there is NOTHING we can do, apart from the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit, to accomplish good work for the Kingdom of God. We are ever dependent on His GRACE!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
“Surely God is good to Israel,
to those who are pure in heart.
But as for me, my feet had almost slipped;
I had nearly lost my foothold” (Psalm 73:1-2, NIV).
Do I believe this first verse? After I read this chapter this morning, God spoke to me two other times in relation to this passage. So, I have gone back over it.
The author continues the chapter by confessing his thoughts. He catches himself as he begins to envy the wicked.
Almost suddenly, he remembers how God brings judgment on all – including himself. He writes:
“I was senseless and ignorant;
I was a brute beast before you” (v. 22).
This writer recognizes how life was without God. Now, God has given Him strength to live differently.
“My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever” (v. 26).
This passage reminds me that I do not want to forget how much I need Him! Our God is saving and will never let us go. Just like the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32, we are all in need of God’s unique grace.
I pray that I do not forget this one-of-a-kind love that He has for us.
The writer of this 73rd Psalm starts to close as he writes:
“But as for me, it is good to be near God.
I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge;
I will tell of all your deeds” (v. 28).
I pray that today we continue to trust in God and tell others how sweet it is to live this life with Him.
to those who are pure in heart.
But as for me, my feet had almost slipped;
I had nearly lost my foothold” (Psalm 73:1-2, NIV).
Do I believe this first verse? After I read this chapter this morning, God spoke to me two other times in relation to this passage. So, I have gone back over it.
The author continues the chapter by confessing his thoughts. He catches himself as he begins to envy the wicked.
Almost suddenly, he remembers how God brings judgment on all – including himself. He writes:
“I was senseless and ignorant;
I was a brute beast before you” (v. 22).
This writer recognizes how life was without God. Now, God has given Him strength to live differently.
“My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever” (v. 26).
This passage reminds me that I do not want to forget how much I need Him! Our God is saving and will never let us go. Just like the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32, we are all in need of God’s unique grace.
I pray that I do not forget this one-of-a-kind love that He has for us.
The writer of this 73rd Psalm starts to close as he writes:
“But as for me, it is good to be near God.
I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge;
I will tell of all your deeds” (v. 28).
I pray that today we continue to trust in God and tell others how sweet it is to live this life with Him.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
One Day At A Time!
"Then He (Jesus) said to His disciples: “Therefore I tell you, don’t worry about your life, what you will eat; or about the body, what you will wear. For life is more than food and the body more than clothing. Consider the ravens: they don’t sow or reap; they don’t have a storeroom or a barn; yet God feeds them. Aren’t you worth much more than the birds? Can any of you add one moment to his life-span by worrying? If then you’re not able to do even a little thing, why worry about the rest? “Consider how the wildflowers grow: they don’t labor or spin thread. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was adorned like one of these! If that’s how God clothes the grass, which is in the field today and is thrown into the furnace tomorrow, how much more will He do for you—you of little faith? Don’t keep striving for what you should eat and what you should drink, and don’t be anxious. For the Gentile world eagerly seeks all these things, and your Father knows that you need them. “But seek His kingdom, and these things will be provided for you. Don’t be afraid, little flock, because your Father delights to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Make money-bags for yourselves that won’t grow old, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Luke 12:22-34
Have you noticed people around us that are searching for God's Peace, Rest, Security, and Simplicity? There are times in our lives as evangelistic Christian leaders that God reminds us to slow down and remember to take One Day At A Time. In the post-modern over-stimulated high tech days we live in we can become way too busy with; multi-tasking, day-timers, cellphones, computers, ipods, tweets, etc. It concerns me to see people all around me constantly checking their cellphones for text messages (and even trying to text while they are driving~please do not do this!), growing electronic network communities and the trend unfolding of people becoming dis-connected with people. The more people are connected with technological gadgets this could cause us to become dis-connected with people, especially people that need the Lord.
As leaders we have the capacity to organize, accomplish many tasks, and plan for upcoming weeks at a time that we may find ourselves feeling anxiety about the future. Anxiety and worry is an enemy of daily walking and serving the Lord in the TODAY ~ JUST THIS MINUTE MODE....often I ask myself, "why am I already thinking about tomorrow, or the upcoming week or next month and even next year...yikes? God knows our tendencies, He gave us the loving words above from Luke 12 to lead, guide, and direct our DAILY steps as we take one step at a time.
As we take one day at a time, look around and notice those that are anxious. We can "put ourselves in their shoes" and reach out to them with the PEACE of GOD that comes with One Day at A Time Living for Jesus! We never see Jesus worry or stressed out and He is the role model that we have to share with others! The words of a song sung by Point of Grace, that I have written below, encourages us to live This Day for the Lord as we reach out to others that need Him!
This Day (by Point of Grace)
This day is fragile - soon it will end and once it has vanished, it will not come again
So let us love with a love pure and strong, Before this day is gone
This day is fleeting when it slips away
Not all our money can buy back this day
So let us pray that we might be a friend
Before this day is gone
This day is fleeting
When it slips away
Not all our money can buy back this day
So let us pray that we might be a friend
Before this day is spent
This day we're given is golden
Let us show love
This day is ours for one moment
Let us sow love
This day is frail - it will pass by
So before it's too late to recapture the time
Let us share love, let us share God
Before this day is gone
Before this day is gone
Have you noticed people around us that are searching for God's Peace, Rest, Security, and Simplicity? There are times in our lives as evangelistic Christian leaders that God reminds us to slow down and remember to take One Day At A Time. In the post-modern over-stimulated high tech days we live in we can become way too busy with; multi-tasking, day-timers, cellphones, computers, ipods, tweets, etc. It concerns me to see people all around me constantly checking their cellphones for text messages (and even trying to text while they are driving~please do not do this!), growing electronic network communities and the trend unfolding of people becoming dis-connected with people. The more people are connected with technological gadgets this could cause us to become dis-connected with people, especially people that need the Lord.
As leaders we have the capacity to organize, accomplish many tasks, and plan for upcoming weeks at a time that we may find ourselves feeling anxiety about the future. Anxiety and worry is an enemy of daily walking and serving the Lord in the TODAY ~ JUST THIS MINUTE MODE....often I ask myself, "why am I already thinking about tomorrow, or the upcoming week or next month and even next year...yikes? God knows our tendencies, He gave us the loving words above from Luke 12 to lead, guide, and direct our DAILY steps as we take one step at a time.
As we take one day at a time, look around and notice those that are anxious. We can "put ourselves in their shoes" and reach out to them with the PEACE of GOD that comes with One Day at A Time Living for Jesus! We never see Jesus worry or stressed out and He is the role model that we have to share with others! The words of a song sung by Point of Grace, that I have written below, encourages us to live This Day for the Lord as we reach out to others that need Him!
This Day (by Point of Grace)
This day is fragile - soon it will end and once it has vanished, it will not come again
So let us love with a love pure and strong, Before this day is gone
This day is fleeting when it slips away
Not all our money can buy back this day
So let us pray that we might be a friend
Before this day is gone
This day is fleeting
When it slips away
Not all our money can buy back this day
So let us pray that we might be a friend
Before this day is spent
This day we're given is golden
Let us show love
This day is ours for one moment
Let us sow love
This day is frail - it will pass by
So before it's too late to recapture the time
Let us share love, let us share God
Before this day is gone
Before this day is gone
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C01lLxEo3xM (Be Still ~ Steven Curtis Chapman)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
And Then Some
Last week when I met with my mentor, she challenged me with a concept she had heard at corporate leadership training during the early part of her career. The challenge was to be employees that met every expectation, "and then some", to be workers who gave one hundred percent, "and then some", to be people who put in deep thought, enough time, great effort, "and then some". As she is leading me in my walk with Christ, she issued me the same challenge in how I live out my faith on a daily basis with those around me. We started talking about what my life would look like if this principle really began to define my faith and life.
What if you forgave that person who wronged you...and then some?
What if you chose to meet the needs of your co-worker...and then some?
What if you chose to serve your neighbor this afternoon...and then some?
What if you decided to give your weekly tithes...and then some?
What if you sought to encourage your husband tonight...and then some?
Praying that we would be women who would have the attitude that is the same as that of Christ Jesus, who humbled himself and chose to serve us...and then some.
What if you forgave that person who wronged you...and then some?
What if you chose to meet the needs of your co-worker...and then some?
What if you chose to serve your neighbor this afternoon...and then some?
What if you decided to give your weekly tithes...and then some?
What if you sought to encourage your husband tonight...and then some?
Praying that we would be women who would have the attitude that is the same as that of Christ Jesus, who humbled himself and chose to serve us...and then some.