"Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; and that He may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you..." (Acts 3:19-20, New American Standard Bible).
"Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent" (Acts 17:30, New American Standard Bible).
Have you been inside a tunnel before? I remember riding in a car through a tunnel on vacation in Alaska with my parents and a friend. As we approached it, I noticed this tunnel went through a mountain, and I wondered how long it would last. It was cold outside, a sort of biting cold, even though the sun was shining. Once we were inside, it was dark and felt hollow, although there were lights along the sides as guides. It was an interesting experience, but I was relieved to be on the other side in the open air and sunlight again.
Similar to the darkness of the tunnel, sin can make us feel trapped. When we see the damages that come from our sin, we may wonder if there is a way out. The Holy Spirit can help us see sin in our life and see that the way out of it is to turn to God for help. When we turn to God, it is like God is reaching out to pull us into His light.
God sent Jesus to rescue us from sin (Romans 5:19), and He asks us today to repent and return to Him (Acts 3:19). This is a message to all people in all nations (Luke 24:47, Acts 26:19-20). When we believe in Jesus and ask for forgiveness from our sins, He will be faithful to forgive us and will give us the Holy Spirit to help us to walk with Him (Acts 13:38-39). Times of refreshing come from the Lord, as our sins are wiped out and forgiven (Acts 3:20, 26).
Do you know someone who is caught up in sin today? Maybe it is ourselves. Let us pray that others, especially unbelievers, may turn from their sin, too, so they can have a restored relationship with God.
Lord, lead us away from sin. For that person on our mind, the one who does not know you, help them to turn from sin, too, so their sins are forgiven and so they can experience new life with You. Amen.
Above study based on the workbook HeartCall: Women Sharing God's Heart (Jaye Martin, 1999)
Photo from http://www.alaska-in-pictures.com/
Equipping leaders to share Christ & mobilize believers through resources, training & partnerships www.jayemartin.com.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Bringing truth into focus
"And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment... But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come" (John 16:8, 13, New American Standard Bible).
A camera lens, like the one recycled to make into owl eyes in the photo above, helps bring things into focus. Owls can see in three dimensions - height, width, and depth - and their eyes are efficient in processing light. Similarly, a camera lens is made to capture what is true and in front of the photographer. As believers, the Holy Spirit is there to help us process God, His will, and to reveal to us what sort of relationship God wishes to have with His people.
Who is the Holy Spirit? Matthew Henry once wrote, "Bodily presence drew eyes, but the Spirit draws hearts" (Matthew Henry Commentary). Jesus drew much attention, but the Holy Spirit heals our hearts. The Holy Spirit is a part of who God is; He is a part of the Holy Trinity. He convicts, comforts, and teaches truth.
Similar to the owl's eyes at night, the Holy Spirit helps bring the truth of God into focus. He reveals truth about God, and He helps us see the guilt of all people because of our rebellion against God and His will (1 Corinthians 2:10). As we accept Christ as Savior of our lives, the Spirit abides in us (John 14:17). Sent by the Father and the Son, He will teach us and bring to mind things God has taught us (John 14:26, John 15:26). Let us pray that the Holy Spirit helps an unbeliever on our mind see His truth.
Lord, work within us through the Holy Spirit. Please work in the life of someone on our mind who does not know You. Help convict us of sin and help us see truth that comes from You. Amen.
Above study based on the workbook HeartCall: Women Sharing God's Heart (Jaye Martin, 1999)
Photo from http://www.etsy.com/shop/focusonart
A camera lens, like the one recycled to make into owl eyes in the photo above, helps bring things into focus. Owls can see in three dimensions - height, width, and depth - and their eyes are efficient in processing light. Similarly, a camera lens is made to capture what is true and in front of the photographer. As believers, the Holy Spirit is there to help us process God, His will, and to reveal to us what sort of relationship God wishes to have with His people.
Who is the Holy Spirit? Matthew Henry once wrote, "Bodily presence drew eyes, but the Spirit draws hearts" (Matthew Henry Commentary). Jesus drew much attention, but the Holy Spirit heals our hearts. The Holy Spirit is a part of who God is; He is a part of the Holy Trinity. He convicts, comforts, and teaches truth.
Similar to the owl's eyes at night, the Holy Spirit helps bring the truth of God into focus. He reveals truth about God, and He helps us see the guilt of all people because of our rebellion against God and His will (1 Corinthians 2:10). As we accept Christ as Savior of our lives, the Spirit abides in us (John 14:17). Sent by the Father and the Son, He will teach us and bring to mind things God has taught us (John 14:26, John 15:26). Let us pray that the Holy Spirit helps an unbeliever on our mind see His truth.
Lord, work within us through the Holy Spirit. Please work in the life of someone on our mind who does not know You. Help convict us of sin and help us see truth that comes from You. Amen.
Above study based on the workbook HeartCall: Women Sharing God's Heart (Jaye Martin, 1999)
Photo from http://www.etsy.com/shop/focusonart
Thursday, September 20, 2012
We ask God to remove strongholds
"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:3-5, New American Standard Bible).
War, weapons, power, destruction, fortresses, captivity - what sort of war is going on? At this point in Scripture, people were arguing with Christians about whether Christ is the Messiah, the One promised to come to earth to restore God's reign. Christ, indeed, came to save the world from being separated from God through their sin, while satan wishes people to feel trapped in sin and away from the Lord.
Paul tells the Corinthians that these thoughts that questioned Christ and God did not need to be countered by the way the world wages war. Instead, He encouraged Christians to trust in God's power. God wishes to fight for His people, to win them to Him. As believers wanting others to come to have a relationship with God, we trust in God's power because we believe it is the strongest. The power of the Holy Spirit is far greater than the power of the devil that seeks to put barriers between God's creations knowing and trusting in their Creator.
Is there someone on your mind who does not have a relationship with God? Let's pray for God to remove any strongholds that block them from having faith in our Lord and Savior. We hope they will trust in God, our God who renews minds and teaches truth.
Above study based on the workbook HeartCall: Women Sharing God's Heart (Jaye Martin, 1999)
Photo from http://my-god-is.com/
War, weapons, power, destruction, fortresses, captivity - what sort of war is going on? At this point in Scripture, people were arguing with Christians about whether Christ is the Messiah, the One promised to come to earth to restore God's reign. Christ, indeed, came to save the world from being separated from God through their sin, while satan wishes people to feel trapped in sin and away from the Lord.
Paul tells the Corinthians that these thoughts that questioned Christ and God did not need to be countered by the way the world wages war. Instead, He encouraged Christians to trust in God's power. God wishes to fight for His people, to win them to Him. As believers wanting others to come to have a relationship with God, we trust in God's power because we believe it is the strongest. The power of the Holy Spirit is far greater than the power of the devil that seeks to put barriers between God's creations knowing and trusting in their Creator.
Is there someone on your mind who does not have a relationship with God? Let's pray for God to remove any strongholds that block them from having faith in our Lord and Savior. We hope they will trust in God, our God who renews minds and teaches truth.
Above study based on the workbook HeartCall: Women Sharing God's Heart (Jaye Martin, 1999)
Photo from http://my-god-is.com/
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
We ask that blindness be removed
Is there someone on your mind who you wish had a relationship with God? Today, we ask our Lord to remove blindness from that person on your mind, so they will see what God has done through Jesus, the Messiah, so they would want to have a relationship with Him.
The blindness mentioned in this verse made me think of a striking dance that was performed to the song "Gravity" by Sara Bareilles on the television show, "So You Think You Can Dance." I am not sure of the original meaning of the song, but the choreographer, Mia Michaels, sought to show in this dance the struggle that happens when addiction has a hold on someone. Sometimes, it can be tough to see a way out of situations like that.
Similar to addiction, the devil, also known as the prince of darkness, makes a point to try to lead God's people to believe in lies that destroy them or cause them harm. The devil tries to keep people in the dark, away from the truth about God, who brings life.
As we see the goodness that comes from having a mended relationship with God, we hopefully will desire for others to know our Savior, too. Whatever blindness that satan threatens to put on ourselves or on others, we can ask God to remove it. The hope is that blinders would be removed, so this person on our mind may see God and the beauty in what He did through His Son, Jesus.
Lord, thank you for having mercy on us and for revealing Yourself to us. Please remove blindness from others so they can see the light and life that comes from You. Please help this person on our mind to believe in Jesus and Your grace. Amen.
Above study based on the workbook HeartCall: Women Sharing God's Heart (Jaye Martin, 1999)
Photo from Sprint HTC Evo phone
Sara Bareilles' music video for "Gravity" - www.youtube.com - SaraBaraillesVEVO
"I Have to Believe" music video from Rita Springer - www.myspace.com/video
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Gifted2Go Pray For One Another!
We all have someone in our lives that we are praying for!
Today I sense the urgency of "A Call to Pray" as the Lord leads you and the Lord leads me!!
Pray for the Salvation of those that Need The Lord!!
Pray for Everyone the Lord has on your heart!! My heart and life is in a season of prayer for our Troops!!
Please always feel the freedom to share your prayer requests as we are committed to prayerful lives as we "Pray one for another" James 5:16
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-q8WvfgURU&feature=related ('Let Us Pray' by Steven Curtis Chapman)
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
A Day of Remembrance
"'Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful'" (John 14:27, New American Standard Bible).
As you probably heard, years ago a tragedy happened in downtown New York City on this day. Later, in the mix of saddening and shocking reports, my favorite stories were ones about heroes of the day. One story I remember was actually recorded in a running book called Going Long that is edited by Runner's World (you can find the book here). In that story, a seasoned long distance runner worked in the Twin Towers. His story stood out to me, because he took time to lead his office out of danger. He seemed gifted to be calm and to keep going under pressure, and he used those skills to help others around him during a time of crisis.
God sent Jesus to die for the world and our sins against Him and others. When we embrace this great grace that He offers, He sends the Holy Spirit to help guide believers through whatever happens in this life on earth. Through Christ's sacrifice for us, we have a great hero in Him. In tough times, God can give us peace and hope as we trust in Him.
Lord, we know Your Holy Spirit is the divine Comforter. Please bring healing for the families of those who passed away that day. We pray others come to know You, because we have seen how You can transform lives for the better. Thank You for Your grace in sending Jesus to sacrifice in our place. Let Your Holy Spirit renew our hearts with a love for You and who You are. Help us share with others how You offer peace and hope. Please be with our country during this time of reflection. Amen.
suggested reading: John 14
photo from www.bumperstickermagnet.com
As you probably heard, years ago a tragedy happened in downtown New York City on this day. Later, in the mix of saddening and shocking reports, my favorite stories were ones about heroes of the day. One story I remember was actually recorded in a running book called Going Long that is edited by Runner's World (you can find the book here). In that story, a seasoned long distance runner worked in the Twin Towers. His story stood out to me, because he took time to lead his office out of danger. He seemed gifted to be calm and to keep going under pressure, and he used those skills to help others around him during a time of crisis.
God sent Jesus to die for the world and our sins against Him and others. When we embrace this great grace that He offers, He sends the Holy Spirit to help guide believers through whatever happens in this life on earth. Through Christ's sacrifice for us, we have a great hero in Him. In tough times, God can give us peace and hope as we trust in Him.
Lord, we know Your Holy Spirit is the divine Comforter. Please bring healing for the families of those who passed away that day. We pray others come to know You, because we have seen how You can transform lives for the better. Thank You for Your grace in sending Jesus to sacrifice in our place. Let Your Holy Spirit renew our hearts with a love for You and who You are. Help us share with others how You offer peace and hope. Please be with our country during this time of reflection. Amen.
suggested reading: John 14
photo from www.bumperstickermagnet.com
Friday, September 7, 2012
The Heart of a Servant Leader
Serving God and others is something that is evident in Christ's life on earth. He reached out to love others, and as He did that, He honored God. Our Lord can give us the heart to serve others, even as leaders. In the following link, Jaye Martin writes of what servant leadership looks like biblically: "The Heart of a Servant Leader" (link connects to www.buildingchurchleaders.com; managed by Christianity Today).
Photo from smallgrouppastors.com
Thursday, September 6, 2012
First Seat, First Row
"Today, I had the privilege of reporting to jury duty - serving our community. Even though I was not chosen for this specific trial, God always has a Gifted2Go opportunity right where you are. Please pray for a fellow jury person, I will call him 'first seat, first row." One of the attorneys was asking us potential jury participants questions about their client. When the attorney asked, 'My client is a strong Christian. Would her being a strong Christian cause any of you to have a bias towards her?' The one sitting in the 'first seat, first row' raised his hand and said, 'I would have trouble with this, because I have never been able to believe in God or understand how to believe in God. I do not believe in Him.'
"Thank God for a ten minute break, because God graciously opened up an opportunity for me to share a witnessing booklet (please keep a witnessing booklet in your purse or wallet to share with others) with 'first seat, first row.' He gladly received it. My heart was humbled and bursting with an urgency inside me at the same time! Thank God for the seeds of truth that were planted into the heart of 'first seat, first row!'
"Would you please join me in PRAYING that these seeds of salvation will be watered and produce SALVATION for 'first seat, first row?' God is faithful, and He has a plan and purpose for EVERYONE! 1 Corinthians 3:6-7 says it best, 'I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth' (New American Standard Bible). 2 Peter 3:9 also says it well, 'The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance' (New American Standard Bible). You are Gifted2Go. Share Jesus!"
Hope - Jeremiah 29:11-13
Believe - John 3:16
Turn - Acts 3:19
Call - Romans 10:9-10, 13