Tuesday, July 3, 2012

We pray for holiness

"Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification that without which no one will see the Lord" (Hebrews 12:14, New American Standard Bible).

With this verse, we can see how God calls us not only to turn to Him, but also to follow Him. As we seek to be holy, we seek to live lives that reflect Him. Now, it is easy for us to see how imperfect we are. Yet, we serve a God who is holy, so we pray to God for the strength to be more like Him, so that others may see the change He is making in us everyday.

The Israelites are a great example of how God loves His people. They would turn to God for direction, and God asked them to be a holy nation that lives differently since God is their leader. We can read how God blessed them and helped them see how to live lives that are different in a way that honors Him. They fell into sin, though, just like we have done. God sent them into exile, but He did not leave them. He taught them over time who He was and who He created them to be.

The neat thing is that now, we have been given Christ as an example of who God is and how we are to live on earth. He has given those who believe in and receive His call to turn to Him the Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity, God three in one - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - are all a part of who God is. He is our Creator and He already loves us, but He can make us into more and more of a reflection of Him. There is the hope that the more we reflect God, our Savior and life-changer, that others will see God and want to know Him, too.

Lord, please make us more and more like You. Lead us in how we can be holy so others see You and the change You can make in a life. Thank You for Your word and Your sacrfice. Please help us live for You today. Amen.

The above devotion is based on the verse meant to be studied from HeartCall: Women Sharing God's Heart (1999, Jaye Martin).