Thursday, January 31, 2013

A New Heart: Humility

"With all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love..." (Ephesians 4:2a, NASB).

Do you know a story of someone showing humility?

By looking at the verse above, humility looks at another person in love. This sort of humility loves the Lord, because God is love and love comes from Him. Humility comes from the Holy Spirit working in us and through us. Out of this love and God's blessing, a person can look at someone else and remember that God has this unstoppable love for His creation.

In humility, we can:
  • Remember and have faith in God's promises, knowing He has a plan for our lives
  • Look at others with humility, realizing we are in as much need for God as they are
  • Pray to live the humility that Christ displayed on earth for us, as He served God and reached out to others

Lord, thank You for giving us life. We need You, God - Your mercy, wisdom, direction and strength. Help us live with humility and point others to You. Amen.

Above study based on the workbook HeartCall: Women Sharing God's Heart (Jaye Martin, 1999).