Thursday, January 23, 2014

He is here - wherever you go

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:9, NASB).

In the midst of me digging into one of my first new year resolutions, God keeps reminding me to rest in Him and to remember Him. He is here.

Where are you today? He, our God, is here for all of us. He came to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10). When we seek Him, we will find Him (Matt. 7:7, Rev. 3:20).

How would you describe God?
He is present (Psalm 139:7-10).
His character is constant, He is faithful (James 1:17, 2 Timothy 2:13).
He is bread and living water - He gives strength and nourishment (John 6:35, John 4:7-42).

As a verb, "is" reminds me that God's love is active.
Let's praise Him with our voices and with our lives. Let's share Him with our testimonies and with our hearts. Let's pray for a more active faith, because our Redeemer lives.

What situation are you in? Whom have you come across this week?
He is here:
  • for our friend and for the foreigner
  • for the executive and for the busboy
  • for the person we serve in volunteer efforts and for the widow on our street
He is here - here to save the world, to draw close to a world in need for more of Him. 
Our God manages the world and yet He makes time - He wants time - with each person He created. 
Let's share "He is here" with our hearts that crave more of Him, and let's share "He is here" with others who don't know Him yet as Lord and Savior.

He is here - wherever you go. Amen.

Great passage: Isaiah 61:1-4