Years ago, I began the long process of working on a doctorate. I love learning and applying concepts, especially in the area of evangelistic leadership. It has certainly taken me to a new level as I was challenged by the brilliance of the scholars and those with whom I sat in class. There is nothing like being with people who challenge you to be more than you ever dreamed to be.
While God is always with me helping me to prepare and to speak, He has especially been with me during this whole process of study. I have spent hours on my face praying to God to do a paper through me and many more hours waiting for my grade and just praying that I would pass. More tears and on-my-face-time came when that "A" arrived and I rejoiced that God had truly written the paper and somehow had mercy on me!
For the next two weeks, I am once again totally dependent on the Lord and out of my element as I try to complete a major chunk of my dissertation. I am completely pulling back from everything so that I can focus on this daunting task and I desperately need your prayers! I know myself well and I do know how to bail (and I do it well)! My self-worth is not in whether I am ever called doctor or not.
However, I do long to "run loose and free" and "celebrate God's great work" with "every bone in my body laughing, singing, 'God, there's no one like you!'" Please pray for me (and for Dana as he listens to the moaning and the tears) that...
- I will be able to concentrate and focus
- My writings will be accepted by the scholars who review it
- I will be given mercy (that would be a miracle)
- God will protect my time from all those who think they need to talk to me
- God will take care of the hundreds of other things that are being put on hold (including the master suite remodeling that is still not even close to being completed)
I pray that you may "run loose and free" and "celebrate God's great work" with whatever He has you doing today! Thank you for your prayers! You are loved!