Thursday, October 21, 2010

penetrating light

"Lord, You are my lamp; the Lord illuminates my darkness."
-2 Samuel 22:29, HCSB

This Sunday, I admired my church's candelabras.  I love candles and their vintage look; also, I think there is something deeper about our attraction to light.  Light can symbolize truth and understanding.  When we believe in the power of the Bible as God's true Word, then God can guide us as we read.  His Word brings "light" to life, and we can pray to ask him to help us follow His way through whatever we are facing that day. 

A man at my work the other day was telling me about how whenever he hears his pastor speak, it is like it is speaking directly to him.  He said it seems to meet him, right where he is.  It's like God knew exactly what he needed to hear. 

That is one thing that I love about the Bible; God's words penetrate me, and it reminds me of how awe-inspiring God is.  His very nature is loving, powerful and wise.  Will we try to help others see how much the Bible relates to everyday life and of our need for Christ? 

How can we share His Word with someone today?

"God, Your faithful love is so valuable that people take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.
They are filled from the abundance of Your house;
You let them drink from Your refreshing stream,
for with You is life's fountain.
In Your light we will see light."
-Psalm 36:7-9, HCSB

(photo from