Friday, January 21, 2011

Operation World

While in Indonesia last month, I was struck by the testimony of one of the Indonesian national young ladies at a prayer meeting.  She was sharing how she had been praying for the world through the use of the book Operation World for the past several years.  She felt God had put Kazakhstan on her heart for which to particularly pray.   Her passion and the intensity of what she shared challenged me as she truly had sought God's will  for her life.

Seeing the need in Indonesia for witnesses, it seemed strange that a native Indonesian would be asking God where He wanted her to serve.  But, God did indeed open a huge door for her in Kazakhstan!  She was leavivng her family, friends, job and everything she knew to be obedient to share Christ where God wanted her to go.

I have started using the resource Operation World by Jason Mandryk to truly pray for the world.  I pray that God will increase my passion to be obedient and excited about wherever and whenever He leads me to share the Gospel.