"The elder, to the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in the truth--and not I only, but also all who know the truth--because of the truth, which lives in us and will be with us forever:" (II John 1,2)
The book of II John (one of the two smallest books in the bible) has much to teach us about our Christian walk and in resisting false teaching. John was an old man by the time this was written and he did not need to refer to himself as an apostle, so he refers to himself as "the elder." An elder was a person with authority who was respected in the church. Scholars differ in their interpretation of "chosen lady and her children" with the majority thinking it is more than likely a figurative reference to a local church rather than an individual lady and her children.
It is important to see that love and truth are communicated at the beginning of the letter. Danny Akin, in his commentary on I, II and III John says: "No letter more beautifully balances the twin Christian graces of love and truth." (p. 221)
John will explain in this letter that walking in love means walking in obedience to God's commands. He will also indicate his interest that the truth of Jesus Christ is personal and spiritual. Truth matters! We must be careful to heed this call to truth and not let any false teaching slip into our lives and churches.
(We are going to take a look at II John over the next few Fridays to see what John can instruct us on evangelism.)