Monday, May 6, 2013

Be not a wimp

“Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.  Let all that you do be done in love” (1 Corinthians 16:13-14, NIV).

I was editing some devotionals and ran across this one that I wrote years ago. It slapped me in the face! I thought I'd share it with you.

     Be on your guard.  We are to be ever on the alert.  Always looking for what God is doing and aware of what the enemy might be trying to do.  God want us to be ready for whatever happens.  When we come to Him daily, He can open our eyes to what we need to see.

     Stand firm in the faith.  When you are under attack, don’t budge.  Keep focused on God and not on the problem.  Stand in one place and do not be blown by the wind; only be led by the Spirit.  Move only when God moves you.

     Be men of courage.  Act like a leader during the battle.  Don’t be a wimp.  Be courageous in all that you do and say.  Take a bold stand and God will reward you.

Jaye Martin
     Be strong.  You are empowered for battle, use what you have.  Be a mighty warrior for Christ.  Strength is gained by exercise.  So, exercise your faith.  Act on what you know to do and trust God to stretch you so you will be stronger in and for Him.

     Do everything in love.  While you are alert, be alert in love.  While you are standing firm, stand firm in love.  While you are courageous, be courageous in love.  While you are strong, be strong in love.  No matter what you are doing, let love dominate all that you say and do.

 Lately I have been the biggest wimp. I need to realize the way the enemy gets to me!

Lord, help me apply Your love to the battle of life I will face today.  Give me Your strength and courage to stand firm and tell someone about You.  Help me be on guard to what might keep me from sharing my faith.  I am ready to walk onward with You!  Amen.