36 “Teacher,
which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And
He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This
is the great and foremost commandment. 39 The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ Matthew
22:36-39, NASB
February is almost here. Some of us love it; some of us hate it. Our perspective may be related to our season of life: happily or unhappily married, single or single again, unattached or widowed, and the list goes on. Let's turn February into a love fest. Instead of focusing on what we wish we had, let's focus on what we do have...God's love!
God's love is what we really live for. It is what gets us through the good and bad times. It is the reason we live and the joy of our lives. Let's live as though we believe that truth! Let's get our perspective straight and this season, let's share the love of the Lord!
God's great commandment (listed above) is to love God and love people. We share His love by showing it in every way - believing, giving, caring, sharing, helping, hoping, working, playing, etc. Let's look for ways to show our neighbors (and others) that we love God so much that we want to share His love with them!
The HeartCall SHARE Challenge is this: Share God's Love. Give the HeartCall Bible. Show love to others and share the Word with them. Even if you don't have the new HeartCall Bible (https://www.jayemartin.com/shop/heartcall-bible/31/), share the HeartCall message of hope!
Let's turn February into a HeartCall month of God's love!
You know you are loved,