Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 21, 1985!

I am 24 years old today...IN JESUS!! I will NEVER forget the day that I heard about JESUS for the very first time...I was a married 22 year old young mother and very LOST=empty, fearful, selfish, lonely, searching, purposeless, worldly, filling our lives with things that did not matter, yearning for something better, and much more (the small picture you see at the top of this post is a picture of my husband, Marshall and I BEFORE we were Christians-our "before" picture & the larger picture is our AFTER and one of our most recent pictures - my husband became a Christian 4 months after I did during the week before Thanksgiving 1985-I have SO MUCH to be thankful for, especially that year!)!

I thank God for VBS and a Vacation Bible School Bus that came down my street in Houston, Texas to pick-up our neighborhood children for VBS (it was the week of July 21st, 1985)...God used the Follow-up visit from the children's minister of that very special church to DRAW me to JESUS!! When Bro. Jim shared the ABC's to JESUS with the children of my neighborhood that were playing outside in the cul-de-sac of my street the simple true words he shared specifically for the children about what John 3:16 meant were for this grown wife and mother! I will NEVER forget how the TRUTH from GOD'S WORD met me right where I was at & led me to where God wanted me to GO!

An exciting long story short-my husband & I and our little ones were at that special church that came down my street with their VBS bus that next SUNDAY and I RAN to JESUS during the FIRST WORD of the FIRST VERSE of JUST AS I AM...tears of JOY filled my NEW HEART IN CHRIST just like they are filling eyes & my heart today 24 years later...it's just as powerful and just as meaningful as if it had happened yesterday!! I have asked God to NEVER let me forget what it was like being LOST & what it means now to be FOUND in JESUS=peace, purpose, unconditional love, joy, meaning, unselfishness, concern for others, gifted by God, hear His still small voice, purchased FIRST BIBLE & began to understand His Word for the very first time, filled to overflowing with God things, and much more...most of all I had the deepest desire to SHARE what God has done in my life with others because in Jesus I began to learn that am Gifted2GO & tell what Jesus has done in my life!! This is my 3 minute testimony so I need to wrap up this post...BUT...The story doesn't stop until Jesus returns or we go to live with Him FOREVER!!

As His children, we all have a very very special story to share, a testimony of what our lives were like before we met Jesus - how we came to Jesus - and what Jesus is doing in our lives today...YOU have a very very special "testimony" that God will use over and over as His Gifted2Go witness!! That's evangelism 101 to me, share what God has done in your life with someone and leave the results up to Him!! ABC's to Jesus!! Gifted2GO!!!!!!!!!!
What is Your Story? Your Testimony?!

Describe Your Life Before Jesus: (even if you became a Christian as a little girl (my children all have this kind of powerful testimony of becoming Christians while young! Describe the things that you knew separated you from God...as a little girl it could be; taking a piece of gum that is not yours, telling your parents a story that is not the entire truth, or not minding your parents when they told you to do something)

Describe How You Believed in Jesus and Became a Christian:

Describe What Your Life Has Been Like Since Becoming a Christian:

I thank God for the first Christian women role models in my life that encouraged me to write down my testimony so that I could share Jesus with others!

Thank you for allowing me to OVERFLOW with HIS STORY in and through my life that He begun 24 years ago...TODAY!...the longer I serve Him the SWEETER HE grows!!!!!!!

Do you know that you know that you know that you are HIS?!
Never Give up on those that you are praying for to come to JESUS!
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life"! John 3:16!!!!!!