Friday, May 21, 2010

Defend Your Faith

  • "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your MIND." (Matt. 22:37)
    As leaders in our churches, we need to help ladies be prepared to defend their faith as well as share their faith. This summer I will spend each Friday giving short tips on how to defend our faith. Since the crucifixion and resurrection are the pillars of the Christian faith we will start there: "Was Jesus really dead on the cross, or could he just have faked it?"

    Jesus was in serious physical condition before he was even put
    up on the cross.
  • Roman floggings were known to be severe and often caused death
    before the crucifixion.
  • The 'floggers' used leather whips with metal balls and pieces
    of sharp bones.
  • The whipping could tear the muscles and often exposed the
  • The "nails' driven through Jesus' wrists and feet were actually
    spikes that were 5-7 inches long. (It was not the palm of his hand because his
    body would have ripped the flesh off.)
  • In order to breath the person had to push himself up, which
    eventually would cause Him to be too tired to breath any more. This would lead
    to cardiac arrest.
  • To make sure Jesus was dead, soldiers would put a spear into
    his side. Water and blood would come out. This proved his death without a
    doubt!!! (to be continued next week)

    References: Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Josh mcDowell; The Case For Faith by Lee Stroebel