Sunday, May 16, 2010

Where are the Leaders?

God exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins (Acts 5:31, ESV).

“God [is] the author of leadership - who He is and what He does.”

“Will the real leader please stand up? Where have all the leaders gone? It time to talk honestly about a real problem in this fallen world that we live in. It’s time to talk about Godly leadership. It’s our greatest problem.

Maybe you expected me to say that our greatest problem is that families are falling apart – and they are. Maybe you expected me to say that pornography and drugs are at the forefront – and they are. Maybe you thought I would tell you that the people of the world need to be saved – and of course that is too true. We could go on and on with the list of all the things wrong with the world – all the sins, if you will – but the greatest problem that I see is a lack of Godly leadership. It is the lack of men and women of God who will step up to the plate and be the Godly faithful, fair, and humble leaders that God calls them to be. It is the lack of men and women who will stand up for what is right and pure and holy and unashamedly fight for God, His plan, and His principles on how to live. The problem is men and women who look the other way when they see wrong…even when they can do something about it.

When are we going to figure out that God sent Jesus to show us how to lead and expected us to follow His lead? God sent Jesus to model how to live in such a way that people would see God in Him and that God would be glorified. That’s what leadership is all about. It is about sharing the greater vision of Jesus Christ, how to know Him personally, and how to lead others to do the same.”

“Godly leadership is not waiting for someone to ask you to lead; Godly leadership is following Christ so closely that you know how to lead and you do it in such a way that you model Christ by your every word and action while influencing others to do the same.” Jaye Martin

Let’s commit our influence to the Lord again today. He needs us to pray to Him and to follow His lead!

(excerpts from Chapter 4 – Follow the Leader by Jaye Martin, Women Leading Women, Martin & Stovall, B&H Academic, 2008).