Friday, June 19, 2009

1:30am thoughts on giftedness

So it's 1:30am and i am up. (What's new?) i'm doing the final edits for the new website pages. I'm just amazed at how God uses spiritual giftedness within the body of Christ. What's easy for one is not easy for another. The one with the gift of mercy knows how to comfort while the one who is a natural shepherd can teach/encourage/instruct someone over and over in the same disciplines and never tire of it. I just thank God for how He is using women and their spiritual gifts for Kingdom work.

For instance, take Jana as an example. I can't even remember when we met but chances are that i heard her sing before i knew her personally. She has the voice of an angel and a genuine worshipful love for the Lord and people flows from her when she sings. I met her years ago at Houston's First Baptist, probably when i served there as Minister to Women. I don't know if I changed jobs or she moved but for some reason, she and i have not seen each other for at least 12 years...and it may have been 15 or 20. Anyway, not too long ago, i posted one of those panics on Facebook about how i needed someone to do my website. i've been praying about that for over a year and frankly, just did not have the huge amount to shell out for professional website designer to take it on. Jana sees the posts and insists on helping. Turns out she is doing an incredible job and has taken one small template and turned it into something that looks great! Now whether it is a gift or a talent, i'm not sure but certainly she is talented in music and creativity but she is certainly a servant and i am on my face thanking God for her, her talents, and her awesome servant leadership. She already has a full time job and sings many weekends so how she has accomplished this, i don't even know but what a gift to me and to the Kingdom! Because she is using her serving gift, she is now helping women to learn to share Christ through our ministry. i pray that God will bless her in every possible way!

As we venture together on the new blogging experience, i'm just wondering...what if every woman would use her gifts toward Kingdom work? What if every woman would think of how she could serve but not just serve at church but serve to bring people to Christ? Who do you know that is serving in Jesus name?