Thursday, December 29, 2011

More of Jesus 2012!

"And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and people" Luke 2:52 (HCSB)

2012 A Year To Increase In JESUS! That is one of the deepest prayers of my heart for the New Year...that Jesus will Increase in my life so that I will keep growing in wisdom, stature, and favor with God to reach others for Jesus!

Since the day I ran to Jesus I have been DESPERATE for HIM in EVERYWAY!!! I pray that we will all GROW & GO in 2012 for JESUS as we SHARE Him with others!

Let's grab our New Year Daily Planner and put Jesus FIRST in EVERYWAY everyday!!

Let's pray daily for Jaye and Gifted2Go for 2012! There are MANY ripples of evangelistic women's leadership that are flowing in and through Jaye's life that God is calling us to pass on to others!!

Let's get ready to share Jesus as we Grow & Go wherever He leads!! There are people right now crying out for HOPE & PURPOSE in their New Year...we have the answer to their prayers...JESUS...Let's Grow and Be Ready To Share Him Again In 2012!!!!! (Take My Life Jesus!) (Here With Me!)