Monday, June 28, 2010

God is Faithful and Forever

“Lord, Your word is forever; it is firmly fixed in heaven. Your faithfulness is for all generations; You established the earth, and it stands firm” (Ps. 119:89-90) .

“God is faithful to all people at all times and to all generations. He is faithful forever. People are not faithful. Sometimes people believe that God is not faithful so we strive to show faithfulness in all we say and do. Faithfulness is about being loyal and true and trustworthy and consistent. It means being devoted, dedicated and committed. Being faithful is who God is and we are able to be faithful because He is faithful. Women need to see that leaders can be faithful servants in all walks of life.” [except from Women Leading Women, chapter four, B&H Academic, Martin & Stovall].

Lord, make me faithful today.