Monday, June 14, 2010

God is peace

“Since God is not a
God of disorder but of peace”
(1 Cor 14:33) .

God is the author of peace.

God is peace.

He is not the God of disorder.

"Inner peace is one of the most important things that women can have and God is the only one who can bring peace in this troubled world that we find ourselves in. Leaders learn to come to the God of peace and allow Him to transfer His peace to us by the power of the Holy Spirit. Leaders also look to bring peace to troubled people in troubled situations. His peace is one of order and He is the peace of promise that we can depend on."

When we don't feel peace, we need to take a few minutes and remember that peace comes from God and is God. Life is a bit hectic these days. There is no summer break in ministry! There is need for us to come to the Father in prayer and all Him to be our peace. With all the things happening in the convention and in my life, it is easy to get distracted. Let's stop and remember who He is.

Lord, be my peace. Let me bring your peace to others this week.

(Excerpt from chapter four, Women Leading Women, B&H Academic, Martin and Stovall.)