I met Liz in hiking class. With her warm smile, quirky personality, and kindness we were fast friends. My introduction to tennis happened at Liz's invitation. I remember two things about that day. Number One: I don't know how to play tennis. Number Two: I got to share the Gospel with Liz while pretending I understood any of the mechanics of tennis (a sport which I would love to learn to play). I have learned many things from sharing the Gospel with my friend Liz.
1. Never underestimate the power of genuine friendship...love those you share the truth with. No one wants to feel like a project.
2. Perseverance is necessary to win the lost to Christ. Some people accept Jesus at their first introduction, but in my experience, most do not. Liz & I have been friends for going on five-ish years. I remain hopeful that the Lord will bring His truth to light in her life.
3. Always look for opportunities to share Christ whatever you're doing. It would have been easy to enjoy the snowy hills, waterfalls, trails filled with fall leaves without ever so much as opening my mouth to speak to Liz. BUT I am so glad I took the time to talk with her and form a friendship. Even though Chris was in that class and I could have been overly enthralled with him as we were dating then, married now and loving it.
Shortly after that class Liz moved away to Arizona and then New Mexico. We have been phone friends ever since. Over the last several months we had lost touch, but in recent days have reconnected again. I am still hopeful and prayerful that she will come to know Jesus! She is well aware of that hope and I trust also that she is aware of the genuine love and concern I have for her. May everyone we share with know that our friendship is true and the love we have for them runs deep.