Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thank You

Today, I received a very convicting email from another teacher where I work. I have copied it for you to read below.

These are some thoughts you may want to share with your students regarding the Operation Christmas Child boxes. This afternoon I translated a thank you note from a 7 year-old girl in Burkina Faso who had received a shoebox. Here’s the letter.

June 5, 2009

I have the great pleasure of hearing from you. My name is Guedraogo Safiatou. I am in an elementary school class in the village of Toba in the department (county) Yaba of the province (state) Mayah. I am the oldest girl of a family of farmers. I have 5 older brothers and 5 younger brothers. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for all the wonderful gifts that you gave us here in Toba. I want to send my greetings to all your family and friends in America. I hope that your friendship will continue forever if God wills it so.

Thank you!

Guedraogo Safiatou

I got to thinking as I returned the letter back to the elementary office. In saying thank you, Guedraogo had spent about $2 between the cost of paper, stamps and the photo. It doesn’t sound like much to us until one realizes average person’s yearly income in Burkina Faso is about $320. She spent a small fortune or about 0.6% of the average Burkinabe’s income. For one of us to say thank you in an equivalent manner as this little girl, it would be $196 (about 0.6 % of $31,800, the average US worker’s income).

It’s kind of humbling. Would I say thank you if it cost me $196? And how often have I forgotten to say thank you?

“Give thanks in all circumstances!” I Thessalonians 5:17

What an appropriate challenge heading into the Thanksgiving season. Take the time today to thank first our Lord Jesus Christ for what He has done. How often do we forget to tell our Creator thank you for our very life? Today, commit to living thankfully unto the Lord. Also, take the time to show someone else your thanks for what they have done. Let us be a people characterized by thankful hearts!