"That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are at Rome." (Romans 1:15)
When our first child, Kristi Marie, was born, I remember that Tim and I had our "list" of people to call to tell the good news of her birth. After we called everyone on our "list" Tim decided that he was tired and hungry after a long labor and delivery; so, he decided to go to the cafeteria to get something to eat. He told the cafeteria workers, the cashiers, the man putting mustard on his hot dog and even the people on the elevator about the good news of Kristi's birth. Then, on the way out of the parking lot later that night a horrible thought crossed his mind that "perhaps the news had not yet filtered down to the parking lot attendant about her birth." He proceeded to tell him about the birth of his new little girl.
The next morning in his quiet time, the Lord spoke to Tim as he read this verse and it was if if the Lord were saying to him, "Tim, you are so eager to tell people about Kristi's birth, BUT do you have that same eagerness to tell about My Son, Jesus Christ, and HIS birth?"
Wow!! That has been a conviction for both Tim and me ever since then. We all must not only be willing, but eager to share the good news of Jesus Christ and what He did for us on the cross to all who cross our path. Let us encourage each other to be EAGER to share!