I was looking through some interesting papers at my Mom's house this summer and I found an old index card with some practical questions to ask ourselves about our speech and our conduct. Our speech is one of the main things that reflects our walk with Christ as well as our actions. The questions are centered around the acrostic "think."
T - Is it thoughtful?
H - Is it honest?
I - Is it intelligent?
N - Is it necessary?
K - Is it kind?
If so, then it probably okay for me to say or do it! "Lord, let us all THINK about what we say and do!!"
(The next few Fridays I will be sharing some helps for newsletters, some illustrations for talks on evangelism, or illustrations to use in evangelism.)
(The next few Fridays I will be sharing some helps for newsletters, some illustrations for talks on evangelism, or illustrations to use in evangelism.)