#6 Balance
The Proverbs 31 woman represents the ideal woman. She is one that was balanced in every area of her life. She made time for herself, her husband, and her children. She made sure that they were fed and had clothes to keep them warm. She got up early, worked all day, and stayed up late into the night. She did all kinds of things and yet she could not possibly have done them all at once. She had to have balance in her life.
One of the problem areas for women today is balance. Women tend to wear lots of hats: daughter, sister, friend, mother, grandmother, aunt, worker, carpool driver, and the list goes on. We must keep our hat boxes with us at all times because we never know when we will need a different hat than the one we have on. It takes balance to keep everything going. I always try to remember that balance is tension between the sides. We must make sure our priorities in order and keep God’s perspective at the forefront to make sure that we make the right decisions. Our families must come first. We must always make time for them and for their needs. If other things seem to be taking this time away, then we must reevaluate everything.
For those of us who work outside the home, this becomes a most challenging task. I am thankful that I was able to stay home with my daughter until she started kindergarten. Even then, the church was most understanding and encouraging about me needing to keep my home priorities in order. By the time I began traveling for North American Mission Board (NAMB), I was able to work from the house and was home much more than I was away. God has been gracious to provide working situations where I could do this and my husband has been the ultimate encourager and supporter. I realize that there will be days that balance seems to be an unachievable goal but God will make a way and will always be there to help us to stay balanced. Every day, we must seek God and His wisdom to stay balanced and focused. Those who do not stay balanced will come apart at the seams. To be in ministry means that we must stay balanced in our lives.