Saturday, March 27, 2010

An Unexpected Phone Call

I got a phone call the other day from a friend. We've been friends going on six years, met in hiking class in Louisville during the winter/spring term. Since that time the Lord has afforded me the privilege of sharing the Gospel with her on an ongoing basis. I'll never forget the first time we played tennis, which I don't know how to play well by any stretch of the imagination. Over tennis I got to share about the grace of our Lord Jesus demonstrated through the Gospel. To say that my friend was closed might be the understatement of the year. If my memory serves me, at the time she was a professing atheist. If I'm being honest I knew full well that God could save her, believed as much, but I didn't know if she would ever really be a willing candidate for that offer of salvation. I kept praying, and I kept sharing though, confident that Jesus could exceed my wildest expectations. And of course if you know the Lord you can already guess that that is just what He did!

The other day when my phone rang it was Liz. She was thrilled about a job offer, which of course I am thrilled about too. Nothing, however, could have conjured up the exultation in Christ I experienced when I asked her this... Let me preface by saying I've known this sweet one so long. She knows well that I love her. We are friends. So when I asked: "Are you a Christian yet?" It was nothing. I've done it a thousand times...I couldn't talk long...short I got straight to the point. Usually she mutters more questions, doubts, but something has been happening over the last couple of conversations...span of months apart. Liz went from atheist to skeptic to Bible study attendee to telling me the other night, "Yes, I am a Christian." Can you believe that?! How amazing is our God. If you've been sharing with someone a long time, I encourage you not to grow weary.... Who knows, you might just be a conversation from the moment God saves their soul.