Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Opportunities To Share Jesus Are Flying By!

On a recent airplane trip to Louisville, Kentucky to team teach HeartCall and Gifted2Go with Jaye, God gave me an opportunity to share Jesus, at the airport I was traveling from, and on the airplane I was flying on...

As I missed my first flight, God used all the details of my second flight to build a quick relationship with the airline representative, we will call her Sally.  As I shared a "HeartTalk" witnessing booklet with Sally, then saw her again right before I boarded my flight, she expressed to me that she was going to go home after work and do exactly what she just read in "HeartTalk."  Sally expressed those words to me with tears in her eyes while God whispered in my heart that He took my missed flight and used that experience to share Jesus with Sally, Praise The Lord!

Tracy Jones
As I settled into the the final leg of my flight, a group of more than 30 women that were very friendly boarded my flight.  God placed one of them next to me and we became fast friends, we will call her Jane!  As I got to know my new fast friend, God gave me the opportunity to share with Jane about HeartCall, Gifted2Go as I shared a "HeartTalk" witnessing booklet with her.  Jane took the time right away to read her HeartTalk booklet and, as we were about to get off the plane, she shared with me that she was going to go to her hotel room and do exactly what she had just read in "HeartTalk"!

My heart was bursting with joy for the privilege of sharing Jesus with these 2 precious women!  All around us there are people to share Jesus with as God gives us these opportunities and God gives us the words to share!  God is so amazing to pour into our lives what He desires to pour out of our lives as we look for those "opportunities that are flying by" as we GO!!!

Do you have some witnessing booklets everyday everywhere you go?  That is one way that God equips you to be Gifted2Go!  Please put some booklets in your pocket, in your purse, in your car, at your desk, at the door of your home, everywhere you spend time!  You are Gifted2Go Share Jesus as you are Go-ing!!!