Monday, April 29, 2013


"Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour" (Matthew 25:13, NASB).

On Saturday evening, we had just finished dinner with friends when we received a phone call from our security company informing us that our home fire alarm was ringing. While the fire department was being notified, we quickly made our way toward the house. On the way, I was praying and trying to decide what to pull from the house, all while staying calm and keeping things in perspective. There was an overwhelming peace that if the house was burning, we were all safe. There was also the thing that I wish I had done, to back up my computer data. I paid for online backup for the year, yet never activated the service, so my computer was at the top of my list of things to grab. Thank you Lord that the house was fine. We think lightening struck the rod or that something was shaken when our neighbor's huge tree fell during the storm. It was a good wake-up call to once again ask myself, "Am I ready?"
Jaye Martin

Just like the passage about the 10 young women in Matthew 25, we are to be ready. We never know when the Lord is coming or when a crisis will happen. Are we ready? Have we prepared for physical disasters (like knowing all your work could be lost on a computer) but more importantly, are we ready spiritually? Are we ready to meet the Lord? Who else do we need to tell about the Lord?

Today, there are a few things on my to-do list including backing up my computer data but also asking the Lord who else needs to hear the good news from me. Lord, make me ready physically and spiritually!