Friday, July 10, 2009

Opportunities Flying By

Just flew back to Texas from Gifted2Go gathering in Louisville Kentucky @ SBTS and God gave me an opportunity to pray and share Him in the middle of the airplane I was flying on...

As my plane began to taxi back from the terminal, everyone was seatbelted in and not allowed to get up, a middle age man and his wife that were seated a few rows behind me began to make noise to get the flight attendants attention. The call for help was coming from his wife because her husband had collapsed into her lap and was unconsious. The flight attendant went into emergency crisis mode and got word to the pilot so that he would stop the plane from taking off into the air...this call for help was a call to prayer as the Lord provided the opportunity to pray for this situation and those around me. From panic to peace is the atmosphere that God changed because of the power of prayer!

All around us there are opportunities to pray as God provides all we need just like He says in the book of Ephesians that Gifted2Go is based on...I had just had the privilege of reading & praying these exact verses hours ago as we concluded our evangelistic leadership for women time together @ SBTS...WOW!!!...God is so amazing to pour into our lives what He desires to pour out of our lives as we look for those "opportunities that are flying by" as we GO!!!

Please read these POWERFUL promises from God about PRAYER in Ephesians 3:14-21 as these verses will help you like they helped me to be ready to pray...we would love for you to share an example of an opportunity you have had of praying for someone to come to know the Lord! Your prayers make a HUGE difference as seeds are planted, watered, and God causes them to Grow as we Go and share a Gift of Prayer....opportunities are "flying by" as we look for them!!