Saturday, May 28, 2011

Making your Events Evangelistic

You can turn any event or Bible study into an opportunity for evangelism with just a few simple steps.

1. As you first begin to plan your event, be sure to plan how you will invite non-churched women to attend. The use of advertising can be very expensive; however, most women come because someone personally invited them. You can have the greatest evangelistic event in the world but if lost women are not there, you will have done it all for nothing. Begin by brainstorming with your leadership about the many creative ways to get women to come.

2. Spend more time inviting people than on planning. Most people spend more time planning than they do personally inviting women to attend an event. In the parable of the Great Banquet in Luke 14, Jesus mentioned the banquet but spent more time explaining how to invite others. For more helpful information, refer to the chapter on events in the resource book, Women Reaching Women.

3. As you walk through your event, imagine you are a guest, don’t know anyone and are unfamiliar with the building and the traditions. Think about what would make the guest more comfortable. What would the needs of this woman be? Plan things that would meet her needs.

4. Before the event, train your women in how to use HeartTalk. Every woman who comes to the event should have the opportunity to be trained. This will help her to share Christ with the guests she brings. Your leadership should all go through the training as well. All your women but especially your leadership should look for opportunities to share HeartTalk throughout the event. Often, you will find that someone who comes to the training will want to accept Christ. Be ready!

5. At the event, you will want each woman to have a copy of HeartTalk. This can be done in several ways. HeartTalk can be included in registration packets, placed at the dinner table at each place or in the center of the table, given out by the hostess of seminars, given out during a worship service, or various other times. The important thing is to give them out and make sure each woman receives one. Those who already know Christ can be encouraged to share it with a friend. Those who don’t know Christ will know how to make Him their Lord and Savior if they choose to do so.

6. An effective method of finding out who responds to HeartTalk is to have everyone at the event to fill out a card. This enables everyone to respond and makes all feel more comfortable. Event cards or evaluation cards allow women to share their thoughts about the event and can be a valuable tool to gain feedback as well as a great way to find out who has made decisions for Christ.

7. Have the speaker or someone on the women’s leadership team to present HeartTalk to the group. Have those who pray to receive Christ to record their decision with a heart drawn beside their name on the event card or evaluation form. Having appropriate responses to check is also very useful and will help you to follow up with the women who attend. Most women will not respond to an invitation that asks them to come down in front of the crowd.

8. Provide a HeartTalk room where those interested in talking to someone about
spiritual decisions can go to for further discussion and prayer. Have some of your trained leadership ready to explain the plan of salvation and answer questions. If you would rather not have a room, you can have women in each section or at the doors to collect the cards and then follow up within a week following the event.

(Quoted from "HeartTalk Leader" by Jaye Martin.)