Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Humbled and Exalted

“He has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty” (Luke 1:52-53, ESV).

I find it interesting that God lifts the humble and lowers those who are arrogant. I admit that I have been in both groups - I have been lifted by the Lord but I have been humbled many times. It is a balance that only God can bring. It is a balance that I can also count on.

This Christmas, we will probably be with someone who wants to share how well they are doing. It might be in the form of bragging or being arrogant about what they believe and why. It might be someone new to the group or a family member that we have to brace ourselves before we see. It may be someone at the party of a friend or someone we see at a work dinner.

Whatever the case, let's decide that we will pray for the person. Instead of arguing, getting huffy, trying to top them or replying with sarcasm; let's decide now that we will give the person to the Lord. Let's choose to humble ourselves and serve them, knowing that God will take care of the problem. He will set them in their rightful place. He will humble them in a way that is better and more efficient.

Mary sang before the Lord in praise. She came humbly before the Lord. He honored her humbleness. It was years before anyone knew her story, but God used her to change lives and change history.

I pray that we will have a "Mary" Christmas!